Mayfair School IB Assessment Policy

Assessment Philosophy
Assessment involves collecting and analyzing assessment information that is used to drive instruction and to communicate effectively with stakeholders within, as well as outside of, the community.  Assessment will be reflected upon and will effectively guide students successfully through both the PYP and MYP programs:

Assessment Statement of Purpose
The Assessment Plan serves to guide and inform the staff, parents and community of the school’s assessment practices.  Reflection is integral to assessment at Mayfair School as it enhances student learning throughout the programme of inquiry, as well as the disciplinary teaching of learning objectives when necessary.

Assessment Principles
A variety of resources and approaches are used at Mayfair School to meet the needs of all learners.  Backward design is utilized to ensure the appropriateness of assessments for the learning objectives being taught.  Products and performances show a conceptual understanding of the learning objectives being taught.  The following are some principles included in effective assessment at Mayfair School:

·       Connections to IB learner profiles and attitudes

·       Connections to the central idea

·       Connections to the pre-determined objectives, concepts and lines of inquiry within the programme of inquiry

·      Connections to the IB essential elements

·       Diverse and varied in method to address different learning styles

·       Differentiated to meet the individual student’s learning needs, including, but not limited to, students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), Response to Intervention (RtI) Plan, and students receiving English Language Learner (ELL) services, Early Intervention Plan (EIP) and Mentally Gifted (MG) services

·       Without cultural, ethnic, racial or gender bias

·       Frequent and ongoing

·       Supportive of concept development

·       Concise and clear

·       Consistent and grade-appropriate

·       Meaningful and relevant to the student

·       Inclusive of relevant and timely feedback

·       Connected to Common Core Pennsylvania State Standards

·       Data-driven, as measured by Pennsylvania State Department of Education: Pennsylvania Value Added Assessment System (PVAAS); school benchmarks; and teacher-created and approved assessments


**This is a summary of a larger document available upon request. Please email if you would like the full policy.**